Educational Outreach

Educational Outreach
To facilitate a balanced presentation of Eastern religions, HACSI presented a copy of the PBS documentary “Asian and Abrahamic Religions – A Divine Encounter in America” to 350 high schools in D.C, Maryland and Virginia. It also funded workshops to train social studies teachers nation-wide to use this documentary in their classrooms. HACSI also provided funds to InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington to market its publication: Special Teaching About Religion which discuss the beliefs and practices of all major Faiths. So far, HACSI assistance for this educational outreach adds up to $41,000.

Since 2017, HACSI has been helping a project to preserve and conserve manuscripts and out-of-print publications related to Hindu religion, tradition and culture, by digitalizing and making them easily accessible to current and the future generation of researchers. A charitable Foundation called Sri Gargeshwari Digital Foundation has been formed in Bengaluru, and a good beginning has been made in digitalizing 300 books. The Foundation has entered into MOUs with a few religious and educational institutions to digitalize documents in their archives. HACSI has so far provided about $2,200 from its own resources and mobilized an additional $1,800 through its supporters. While the amounts are modest, they constitute a significant part of the outlay so far by the Foundation. HACSI will continue its efforts to mobilize funds for this important project when the Foundation obtains from the Indian tax authorities tax exemption status for donations.